Monday, 29 April 2013

How Long Is Time and How Have Glaciers Shaped Our Province?

We have been working on a Treaty Education unit, and students wanted to share with you what they learned today. Today we read another creation story from the Huron First Nation, and we compared it to the Anishnabi creation story that we read last week. We also discussed again the idea that we are all treaty people, and that we all have meaningful stories which we pass on generation to generation. Then, we did a little investigating to see the story that science tells of how our Earth began. Here are some links to the facts that we examined:

Students will have an opportunity to write and share their own creation stories, based on whatever beliefs or imaginative ideas they have. Students have also begun to compile symbols to represent their learning; they will keep these symbols in "paniers d'apprentissages" (learning baskets), to demonstrate the value and validity of oral tradition and knowledge keeping.

UPDATE: Some Vokis were not yet viewable as they were unfinished until this week. As of May 7, all Vokis are now ready to view. Please follow the links to see your child's work.