Yesterday, we spent most of the day taking part in a treaty simulation. I put a line of tape down the centre of the room, and told students that one half of the room no longer existed. I divided the students into two groups, blue and red. Then, I gave students the following scenario (in French):
You are two separate nations who need to share this one half of the classroom. You need to share the space and also all of the materials in the room. You must decide with your group on a fair way to share the space and the materials. Make sure you consider how you can decide, how you can share resources, how much each person or nation can get, and for how long they should certain resources.
You will choose one person from your group to record your points on a large piece of paper. If your group does not agree, you must find a way to make the final decision. Then, you will exchange with the other group. When you exchange and read the other group's proposition, you will change, add, or remove details as needed until your group can agree with the other nation's proposition. Choose one representative to present the changes. The other group will listen, and then either agree to or dispute your changes to the agreement.
At this point, I stopped the dialogue and asked the students how they were feeling. The excitement with which they had at first greeted the task was replaced for many of them by less pleasant sentiments. Most responded "angry," "frustrated," "sad/upset," etc. A few were even on the verge of tears over the agreement, much to my chagrin. I asked them to consider that we were only trying to divide up part of our class for one day. Imagine trying to divide your homes, the land, a whole region.
I guided students through the rest of the process. On a new piece of paper, we wrote out the points that both groups agreed to accept, and then the groups chose a "chief" to come forward and sign the treaty.
I have attached a link with video of the students' discussions. The password is the same as it has been all year. I was so proud of how hard they worked and of how seriously they took the challenge. What a great group of students! I am a lucky teacher!