Sunday, 23 September 2012

Destination: Conservation - Our Environment Club

Mme Hegarty and I are leading this year's environment club, "Destination: Conservation" at École Victoria School. For that reason, we wanted to highlight some events happening in Saskatoon next weekend for World Rivers Day.

On Sunday, September 30th, you may wish to accompany your child/children to participate in the following community events:

River Landing Hike:
Join Girl Guides Saskatoon for their public hike along River Landing. This hike will stop at River Landing as well as possibly make it to the Water Treatment Plant. Enjoy the beauty of the South Saskatchewan River in this interpretive hike and learn about Girl Guides too. The walk runs from 1pm until 3pm. Please arrive at Friendship Park at 12:30pm to pre-register.

Who’s/What’s in our River?
Greg Fenty from the Saskatoon Zoo Society will be in the park giving you the scoop of what special organisms live in our river! There will also be an interactive biological artifacts display. Great for kids!

Friendship Park and River Cleanup:
Trash Dashers Saskatoon invites the public to come on down and help keep Friendship Park and our riverbank clean Sunday, September 30th at 3pm. Girl Guides Saskatoon will also be participating in this event.

More details on these and other events can be found at the following Facebook event page:

Information courtesy of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society -

The Destination: Conservation Environment Club will be having our second meeting on Wednesday, September 26th at 12:05pm in Mme Hamilton's classroom. Students of all ages are welcome!