Tuesday, 18 September 2012

FYI Grade 4 Parents - CAT/4 Testing

Between September 17th and October 4th, our grade four students will be participating in a division-wide standardized achievement-testing program with the Canadian Achievement Test (CAT/4). The CAT/4 will provide teachers with useful information about student performance in the areas of reading, mathematics computation and numerical estimation. The tests require approximately 3 hours to complete in a group setting and will be administered over several testing sessions.

In addition to the CAT/4 testing, grade four students will also complete the Test of Cognitive Skills (TCS). The TCS is a standardized aptitude test that examines sequences, analogies, memory and verbal reasoning. The TCS requires approximately one hour to administer in a group setting.

During the testing periods, our Grade 4 students will work in Mme de Tilly's room with her Grade 4s. Her Grade 5 students will complete work independently under my supervision, while I teach our Grade 3 students. I will cover concepts and material specific to the Grade 3 curriculum.